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Success Stories

We Work Hard to Find the Right Driver – Carrier Fit

At Right Turn Recruiting, we have had the pleasure of placing hundreds of drivers in jobs that truly made sense for them. What follows are a few placement stories from our recruiters that are representative of the work we do for each driver who calls us. We encourage you to read these stories and to share them with a truck driver in your life who may be looking for a change—we’d be happy to help place them with a carrier where they can be happy and successful!

Started Hiring People With There Help

Our job is to see your offer from the beginning all the way to the end. We help you complete a full DOT application Read More

We Work Hard To Find The Right Driver – Carrier Fit

here are many variations of of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look eve Read More


Taking a Chance That Lasted for the Long Haul

May 4, 2022

In 2016, we had a driver by the name of Tyrone that had been stuck in Jacksonville, FL, for about three weeks at a truck stop. His current employer stopped responding to attempts made by Tyrone to get in contact. I spoke to Tyrone about a lease opportunity (which he was reluctant to do) and told him to think it over. I followed up with him two days later and he said “Hey, why not. I have been sitting for almost a month with no end in sight.” We took his application and got him approved/scheduled for Monday’s orientation. I got a call from him one day later. He said, “I really need to think on it.” I said “No problem, Tyrone. If you have questions just give me a shout and we can go from there.” Tyrone said, “Well, I do actually. A friend of mine named Chris said that contract/lease positions aren’t good and this one will be no different.” I told him to have his friend give me a call so I could speak with him about it.

Tyron’s friend, Chris, gave me a call. I found out he is driving for the same company as Tyrone and has been stuck in Minnesota for a month. In fact, Chris was only 20 minutes from the Right Turn office in a truck stop. I told Chris about the program, explained why it is more of a limited-risk lease option and that the new company will overlook him leaving a truck due to the situation he was in. We submitted his application and got him approved.

After he was approved, Chris told me, “I don’t have any money to get a bus ticket, hotel or food. Also, I have way too much stuff on my truck to take with me.” So I got Chris a bus ticket, a hotel room and cash for meals. And then I picked him up in my car, loaded all of his stuff into my trunk and and stored it at the Right Turn office until he finished class. I took Chris to the bus station and he trusted me with all his personal belongings for a week without even batting an eye.

Six days later, Chris called and said, “I’m five minutes away! Can I grab my stuff?” Chris stopped in and everyone helped him get his stuff settled in his new truck. Chris thanked me for the fresh start and the opportunity to drive for a company he could retire with. It was refreshing to know that he had found a home after jumping around from carrier to carrier, literally being left out on the road with no assistance and no hope things would get better.

Chris passed recently. He was still with the same company I had helped him get employed with. Like every driver, he was a looking for a company to call home. He had finally found a place where he could stay for the long haul and deliver that last load as a professional driver.


Turning an Imperfect Record Into a Perfect New Opportunity

May 13, 2022

Marquita called me back in September of 2014. She had nine months of recent experience with Swift but had received a 17-over speeding ticket the previous month in her personal vehicle and had two very minor, preventable accidents from the beginning of 2014. She knew that her options were very limited but she was really looking for a place that she could call home for a very long time. I tried to take her to a few different trucking companies but she was disqualified due to the accidents. We were running out of options when she mentioned that she was interested in moving from Florida to Ohio to be closer to her family. With this knowledge, I was able to run more trucking companies past her that hired out of Ohio but not Florida. I was able to get her approved and scheduled with a perfect company for the following Monday within 24 hours. Marquita is still currently employed with the same carrier and has even saved up enough money to buy her own truck with CASH!


Gaining a New Job and a New Friend

I hired a driver by the name of Bryan. When Bryan originally called me he was in a very bad spot. He was about to lose everything and didn’t have two nickels to rub together. I was able to help him get employed with one of our best carriers. He needed money right away so he could keep his phone on and to buy a few meals.  I sent him $120 to help cover some of his expenses.

I can’t express how grateful he was that I was willing to help him and that I actually cared about him on a personal level. Bryan and I still talk on a weekly basis a year later. We consider each other good friends.


Making a Call to Save a Current Job

A driver named John called in looking for a new driving job. He was all but sure he was going to be getting fired on that same Friday for someone calling in the number on the back of his trailer. It was obvious that this gentleman was very distraught over losing his job. He had worked for the company for several years and never had any intentions on leaving. He expressed to us that he would do anything to keep his job, but also wanted to be proactive in finding another opportunity ASAP.

Instead of finding John a new driving job, we called his current company and helped John plead his case. The trucking company was so impressed that a third party—who helps drivers seek employment—would call to help save a driver’s career. With the help of Right Turn, the carrier decided to give John another chance and keep him on the payroll. John got sentenced to three months of driving probation, but could not have been happier that Right Turn Recruiting saved his job with his current company.


Going Above and Beyond for a Veteran Driver

I had a 40-year veteran driver who had been accident free his entire career and was not a job hopper.  He came around a blind curve in Eastern TN and came upon an accident but could not stop in time.  He hit the back end of a flatbed but did not do major damage.  His company’s policy was termination for any rear-end accident.  And getting someone hired after being terminated for this reason is next to impossible.

I reached out to Doug Drier, the owner of Right Turn Recruiting, who called one of the tanker companies we work with. He got his contact there to consider the driver, but that contact could only speak about it on a Saturday morning. I made that Saturday phone call to make my case for the driver. The contact agreed a 40-year veteran driver with almost a spotless record was a safe risk. The driver was hired and was very grateful for Right Turn Recruiting’s extra efforts to help him get a good job.

Find your next CDL-A driving job!